Saturday, May 29, 2010

Before I go......

I have no idea what the next two weeks is going to hold, therefore my expectations are exceedingly low, and hence will be plesantly surprised with every good turn. I have never been to Japan. I have never posted a blog. I am not entirely sure that what I write will be of interest, but since I love living vicariously through all of my family and friends when they travel, I figure there might be one or two that would like to hear tales spun from the Land of the Rising Sun. The adventure begins in OKC at 6:40 a.m. Sunday (tomorrow,) with my flight to Narita Airport in Tokyo via layover Chicago.

Here's what I know so far. First of all: many, many thanks to the folks at Fund For Teachers and the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence. I am not leaving the City of Norman without them. Second, the Japanese people I have dealt with so far have been very congenial, very formal, and communicate in English far better than I hope to in Japanese. The contacts at Yamato Nishi High School and the Yamaha Instrument Manufacturing Plant are going quite a ways out of their way to help a guy they have never met. Heck, even the ticket agent for the Tokyo Symphony sent me a very nice letter telling me that the section I wanted was sold out, but there was another seat available (more expensive, but hey, it's only Yen.) My Step-Mother, Candy Wojciechowsky and Ed Fogell at Zama High School have been nothing short of a gift from God in connecting me with the folks at YNHS. My wife LeaAnn and children, Christian and Emily are giving me these two weeks to go and continue in my life's work, when I could be at home shuttling Christian to and from football camp or volunteering at Emily's VBS. Any gratitude I show them will simply not be enough.

So here I go. If you come along for the ride, I will try to do my best to give you a spectator's view of all I see and experience with all of the humorous details thrown in for entertainment value. I am looking forward to hearing from any and all that read my etchings and view the accompaning photos. So until I land at O'Hare, Sayonara!

1 comment:

  1. SHOE!! Have a great time. Looking forward to hearing all about everything. Brian
